DCCCII Latest News

Davao City Chamber hosts its 5th General Membership Meeting highlighting Canada-Philippines business relations
Today, May 28, 2024, the Davao City Chamber of Commerce and Industry held its 5th General Membership Meeting at the Waterfront Hotel, Davao City, with

Responsible Digitization of Wage Payments for SMEs
The Davao City Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc., in partnership with the International Labor Organization and the Employers Confederation of the Philippines

DCCCII Trade Mission 2024
The event marked a pivotal moment in the bilateral economic relations between Malaysia and the Philippines.
President's Address
A decade ago, I had the honor of serving the Davao City Chamber of Commerce as President for two consecutive years. This year, history repeats itself. As I am again Serving Davao City Chamber for the second consecutive year as President, however in an utterly challenging time, I must say.
In 2021, we have taken in full swing the Chamber and the business community of Davao with our theme, REBOOT, RECHARGE, RECOVER, RESET 2021. We have all together pushed that restart button and take on the challenge to learn how to deal with the pandemic head-on. We discovered strategies of approaches that are befitting to the demands of the time. We pivoted and adapted. We may have sprawled and met dead ends, but it never hindered our great reset.

President's Address
A decade ago, I had the honor of serving the Davao City Chamber of Commerce as President for two consecutive years. This year, history repeats itself. As I am again Serving Davao City Chamber for the second consecutive year as President, however in an utterly challenging time, I must say.
In 2021, we have taken in full swing the Chamber and the business community of Davao with our theme, REBOOT, RECHARGE, RECOVER, RESET 2021. We have all together pushed that restart button and take on the challenge to learn how to deal with the pandemic head-on. We discovered strategies of approaches that are befitting to the demands of the time. We pivoted and adapted. We may have sprawled and met dead ends, but it never hindered our great reset.

The Davao City Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc,. promote and provide focused advocacy for business growth and sustainable development by providing business services for the advancement of grassroots entrepreneurship, chamber development, international trade relations, business innovations and excellence, and operating efficiency, to uphold the economic and entrepreneurial interests of metropolitan Davao, in particular, the Philippines, in general, and the Filipino businessmen engaged in trade, commerce and industry, agriculture and services.
Total no. of Members