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Good afternoon esteemed members of the Davao City Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc., distinguished guests, friends, Ladies and Gentlemen;

It is with great honor and privilege that I stand before you today as the incoming president of this remarkable chamber.

I understand that some have asked my person and, I would like to start by introducing myself as I always opted to work quietly from the sidelines. It is only befitting to give context to the things I would like to contribute (moving forward) with all your help to the business community.


I am from Luzon born in faraway Cagayan Valley to a lawyer father and a businesswoman mother, I have five siblings, grew up in a middle-class income family, attended Paulinian school from Kinder to High School, was in a Vincentian university, interested in engineering in college, completed my Masters in Information Systems in a state university and completed my academic requirements for PHD, worked through the ranks from a mere Admin assistant to a C-level management position, was assigned to Davao in 1993 for 2 years, had my first and last boyfriend, got married to that Davaoeno, and I have been here since 1999.

I became an industry partner until I established my own company, JoBS eSolutions Inc. in 2014.

Living and experiencing life in Mindanao in particular Davao for 25 years, I hope makes me a legitimate/ adopted daughter. Davao has and is good to me and my family and is given an opportunity to pay it forward.


I am a teacher by heart, passionate about education, and evolved to online education, training and development, and research for over 30 years. While doing this, the Information and Communications Technology space fascinated me, I became a systems analyst and programmer in the late 1990s that issues on the millennium bug were something we were afraid of, when what we had then were the 16-inch, 8-inch, and 3.5-inch floppy discs. Both worlds (education and ICT) have charted my desires and aspirations to be in Education as a Service entrepreneur through my company JoBS eSolutions Inc. Along the way, I became an advocate for job creation and job generation seeing what the business community can do for the people and its economy.


Next year will be my third year for my third term - tour of duty with the Chamber, (one term is 3 years)

I was nominated for the first time in 2014 and eventually won as a Trustee in that election which started my commitment to this organization. A trustee from 2015 to the present and had several officer ship positions. I have seen 6 Presidents (PP Tony Dela Cruz, PP Boni Tan, PP Roland Go, PP Art Milan, PP Dr Malou Monteverde, and Outgoing President John Carlo Tria) in the span of 8 years, and in my ninth year by 2024, I will have the opportunity to lead. These past presidents are barometers that will guide me in pursuing the chamber’s Vision – “that is : To consistently be the internationally recognized city business chamber where there is equal opportunity and inclusiveness for all businesses.” and its Mission – as, “ The primary voice and advocate of responsible business through strategic partnerships with both private and public sectors to help build an environment conducive to business and investments; towards the development of Davao for the enhancement of the quality of life.”

To lead as President is a tall order and should be taken in with moral ascendancy, responsibility, and accountability coupled with time, effort, and resources.

I have seen the dedication of this organization especially for thriving businessmen who would like to help in the economic prosperity of the city, Mindanao, and the country. I am one of the 99% thriving MSMEs that contributes 40% of the country’s GDP and 63% of the country’s employment. Hence we are the backbone of the economy. It is challenging and inspiring at the same time.


My predecessor, Mr. John Carlo Tria advocated for 4 objectives and these are

Business Promotion:
1. To aid in the generation of business for our members.
2. To aid in promoting business for the Davao City business community in other areas.

Policy Advocacy:
1. To advocate for local legislative changes that will benefit the Davao City business community.

Capacity Building
1. Create and or conduct training to develop or upskill workers in all sectors and for businesses

Information Exchange
1. To conduct our own research and data collection activities (with the help and collaboration with members in the academe) to provide better business and investment info for our members and to the local business community.

These pillars have guided us in the work at hand making sure that the organization is all on the same page.

This coming 2024 under my leadership and with the support of the Board and the business community and also our international, national, and local public and
private stakeholders I would like to begin on how I envision making the DCCCII Mission and Vision come to fruition with the current needs and state.

PDP 2023-2028

Let me anchor with the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028 Goals written by NEDA
The PDP aims to reinvigorate job creation and accelerate poverty reduction by steering the Philippine economy back to its high-growth trajectory and effect economic and social transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society.

In the next six years, the development agenda of the Philippines is guided by the following headline socioeconomic targets:
1. Maintain annual economic growth rate between 6.0 to 7.0 percent in 2023 and between 6.5 to 8.0 percent from 2024 to 2028.
2. Create more, better, and more resilient jobs. By 2028, the unemployment rate shall be within 4.0 to 5.0 percent, and the percentage of wage and salary workers in private establishments to total employed shall be within 53 to 55 percent.
3. Keep food and overall prices low and stable. Expanding the opportunities available to Filipinos must be complemented by efforts to protect people’s purchasing power. Food and overall inflation will be kept to within 2.5 to 4.5 percent in 2023 and within 2.0 to 4.0 percent from 2024 to 2028.
4. Enforce fiscal discipline. To ensure the sustainability of growth, the national government deficit to GDP ratio will be gradually reduced from 6.5 percent during the first half of 2022 to 3.0 percent in 2028. The outstanding government debt GDP ratio will also be reduced from 63.7 as of September 2022 to 48 to 53 percent by the end of 2028.
5. Transform the production sectors through innovation. The Philippines aims to continue its progress among the innovation achievers of the region by ranking higher and within the top 33 percent of the Global Competitiveness Index by 2028.
6. All of our efforts are intended to significantly improve the welfare of Filipinos. Our strategies are expected to reduce poverty incidence from 18 percent in 2021 to between 8 to 9 percent by 2028.

All these inputs have to build up for me to explicitly identify and see what more can be done in our capacity.
Having these goals and targets will help us
“Accelerate Prosperity on a Global Scale” – which is the 2024 theme
Through formulated drivers that will contribute to its achievement as a private sector.


Together, we embark on a journey to accelerate prosperity not only within our community but on a global scale. This is a commitment that requires vision, collaboration, and unwavering dedication.

As we look ahead, four key drivers will be central to our mission: External Relations, Digital Transformation, Innovation, and Human Capital Development.

External Relations: Scalability and Expansion
In this era of interconnectivity, we understand that our impact extends far beyond the boundaries of our local community. By forging strong external relations, we aim to unlock new opportunities for our members. This means facilitating trade partnerships, fostering collaborations with neighboring chambers, and exploring markets beyond our shores. Together, we will elevate the profile of our businesses and contribute to the economic growth of our region and, indeed, the nation.

That being said, At the Davao City Chamber of Commerce and Industry, our commitment to external relations revolves around expansion and scalability.

Digital Transformation: Harnessing the Power of Technology
The rapid pace of technological advancement presents us with boundless potential. Embracing digital transformation is not just a necessity but an imperative. By adopting cutting-edge technologies, which include smart systems, harnessing the power of data analytics, investing in cybersecurity, other tools, resources, and strategies to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape we can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and open up new avenues for growth. This. We will position our businesses at the forefront of innovation and competitiveness.

Innovation: Creating New Value
Innovation is the cornerstone of progress. It is about seeing opportunities where others see challenges and creating value where others see limitations. By fostering a culture of innovation within our chamber, among our members, and the business community we can drive forward with fresh ideas, products, and services that will transform our businesses and disrupt markets to our advantage. Our goal is to catalyze creative thinking and problem-solving, helping our members and the business community innovate and excel in an ever-changing business environment.

Human Capital Development: Shaping the Future of Work
In an age of automation and artificial intelligence, and an ever-changing business climate, the role of our workforce is evolving in whatever sector. We must invest in our people's skills, knowledge, and adaptability to ensure they are equipped for the future of work. A future employee needs an AI aptitude that includes analytical judgment, flexibility, emotional intelligence, creative evaluation, intellectual curiosity, Bias-detection and handling, and AI delegation. This means providing training, mentorship, and resources to empower our workforce. By doing so, we fortify our businesses and contribute to a thriving, dynamic economy that benefits all.

Together, we can address the challenges and opportunities that the future of work presents, ensuring that our members and the business community are well-prepared for success.

Chairman Roger Velasco
EVP Roland Suico
VP Jen Dumlao
VP Cherrylin Casuga
VP Stephen Antig
VP Nicole Bian-Ledesma
VP Mirasol Tiu
VP Eric Manalastas
Trustee Chai Abaya
Trustee John Gaisano
Trustee Sherwin Lim
Trustee Juan Carlo Quinto

Ladies and gentlemen, as we embark on this journey together, remember that our collective strength lies in our unity. Let us be bold in our endeavors, resilient in our pursuits, and compassionate in our impact. Together, we will accelerate prosperity in our local community and globally, leaving a legacy of growth, innovation, and empowerment for generations to come.

Thank you, and let us forge ahead, hand in hand, towards a brighter future.

Belinda L. Torres
Incoming President
Davao Chamber of Commerce